Tattoo Token
This single use token is permission to get one of my designs tattooed from my Instagram (@gardenofherwomb).
This is not a physical product. Upon presenting this token and proof of purchase, I will send you a digital download of the design you have chosen.
If you would like a custom tattoo please email an enquiry to gardenofherwomb@gmail.com.
If you feel comfortable to share your tattoo once it is done, please tag me on Instagram or send me an email with pictures, I would love to see the finished piece! Please ask your tattoo artist to credit me in any pictures.
Terms & Conditions
Tattoo Tokens are exclusively for tattoos only. A token does not buy you the rights or permission to...
- Sell my designs in any way or use it for any commercial purposes or profit
- Distribute or print my designs in any manner
- Use this design for flash sheets or be sold in tattoo shops